My inspiration for this project was initially drawn from Marilyn Minter's shiny and seductive paintings, photographs and videos, which deal with female sexuality. I also looked at glamour and beauty magazines. This led me to research artist Karla Black, who uses cosmetics in her work.
Other artists who inspired me include Frida Kahlo, Pipilotti Rist, Christopher Wool, Marloes Ten Bhomer and Brian Eno, particularly his video paintings. I experimented with beauty products and many organic materials such as betroot and jam, looking for glossy textures. Keeping Marilyn Minter's video '
Green Pink Caviar', 2009 in mind, I took photographs and videos.
My most successful video was
'Body Lotion Dancing on Beetroot Juice/ Vertical Fire' which has Brian
'Thursday Afternoon' music added to it, giving it a sinister touch. I suceeded in moving away from the visualisation of the feminine and my project became more about materiality.
Many of my experiments failed or were unsuccessful. However it was necessary for me to fail in order to suceed. I enjoyed using latex and dyeing it with beetroot juice.